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90 Offers in 90 Days

to Keep an HVAC Company's Profits Hot

The Challenge

With record-setting temperatures over the summer—and lingering supply chain challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic—our client, a nationwide leader in HVAC manufacturing, found their business heating up faster than they could manage.

In a tight 90-day timeframe, our innovative mobile energy manufacturing client encountered a crucial task of hiring over 30 positions for their production facility. As a start-up, they were faced with staffing challenges before their initial production run and required rapid high-volume hiring. Trusting in PrideNow's track record of handling such challenges, they appointed us as their strategic staffing partner.

Two women and a man in corporate dress looking at a laptop screen

Our Solution

  • checkmark icon We doubled the size of our recruitment team within two weeks to provide immediate support.
  • checkmark icon Our team partnered with client's HR professionals to roll out a comprehensive recruiting process capable of handling the necessary volume of candidates with speed and efficiency.
  • checkmark icon Our superior candidate engagement practices kept prospective hires engaged throughout every step of the recruitment process—and kept 75 candidates from falling off.
  • checkmark icon Through regular reporting and calls, we gave the client real-time data and metrics to ensure they could pivot and scale efforts as necessary.

The Results

280 Submissions | 90 Offers | 75 Starts

We went from supporting one site to spreading out across five sites thanks to our ability to deliver on-demand talent.